日期:2022-02-17 浏览

  个人简历模板 个人简历 简历模板 最新简历 网站地图 个人简历 简历模板 简历模板下载 简历表格 简历封面 英文简历 简历技巧 简历制作 求职信 自荐信 自我鉴定 面试技巧 校徽 个人简历模板网 >简历技巧 > 医生的个人简历,临床经验最重要 医生的个人简历,临床经验最重要 时间:2017-01-14 来源: 点击:0 医生,可以说是一个非常伟大的职业,天天救死扶伤,为我解决病痛的折磨,但是医生也是人,他们也会有想跳槽和需要找工作的时候,那么医生的个人简历应该怎么写呢,其实医生的个人简历最重要的就是在工作经验这一栏,也就是医生们口中所说的临床经验,只要把这一栏填的非常完美就可以事半功倍了。



  SAP 2021 软件面试题 小编:管理员 66阅读 2021.09.28 第1题: 1.Jeff and Diamond like playing game of coins,One day they designed a new set of rules:

   1)Totally 10 coins

   2)One can take away 1,2or 4 coins at one time by turns

   3)Who takes the last loses.

   Given these rules Whether the winning status is pre‐determined or not




   1:从后面开始考虑,最后肯定要留1 个才能保证自己赢

   2:所以要设法让对方留下2,3,5 个


   4:如果自己取后留下6,对方取2 个,与(3)矛盾,所以排除6

   5:如果自己取后留下8,对方取4 个,与(3)一样情况,所以也排除8

   6:同样,9 也不行,如果我抽后剩下9,对方抽2 个,就反过来成对方抽剩成7 个了,也与(3)



   8:因为只能抽后剩1,4,7 才能赢,我先抽得话不可能达到这几个数,很显然,只能让对方先






   2. The UI specialist Dafna found a problem that some of the Items on the marketing

   document form overlapped with each other. Because this form was implemented by different

   developers and they didn?t care the particular appearance of one item. Product manager

   Tidav decided to write one small checking tool to generate the overlapped items on all forms.

   He called in his guys to discuss about it. Suppose the input is the integer coordinates (x,y)od

   the items (all rectangles) on one form. Construct an efficient method to find out the

   overlapped items. Hint: The most direct way to do so is comparing each items with the others,

   Given 1000 forms. Each with 100‐1000items on average. The O(n2) algorithm is costly.Some

   guru suggested that one O(n) method could help only if 6.5 kilobytes extra storage is

   available. One elite argued that he could cut down the number to 1%,It?s now your turn to

   describe the idea. Write out the pseudocodes, vertify his algorithm and propose more

   advanced optimization if possible.





   3 in a file system ,data need not be sequentially located in physical blocks, We use a number

   of tables storing nodes imformation. Suppose now we use a fixed node size of variable‐length

   n, it takes [n/(k‐b)] nodes to store this item.(Here b is a constant, signifying that b words of

   each node contain control information, such as a link to the next node).If the average length n

   of an Item is N,what choise of k minimizes the average amount of storage space required?

   (Assume that the average value of (n/(k‐b)) mod 1 is equal to 1/2 ,for any fixed k, as n varies)